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Chief Law Officer William BarrR Hillsdale College is attracting harsh criticism for his comments during an event held yesterday.

For one thing, the attorney general described the shutdown order issued at the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic as the “biggest intrusion on civil liberties” from slavery.

“You know, doing a national lockdown, stopping on a domestic order is like a house arrest. Aside from slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the biggest intrusion on civil liberties in American history, “Bair said as he greeted the crowd.

CBS News
(@ CBS News)

Attorney General Bill Barrow says that, apart from slavery, the coronavirus stay-at-home order is “the greatest intrusion into civil liberties in American history.” https://t.co/63Cj4yD4HZ pic.twitter.com/zCfvxEKgMp

September 17, 2020

Burr also attacked junior Justice Department employees and denied allegations that he had improperly interfered in cases involving colleagues. Trump.

“Name a successful organization or organization where the decisions of the lowest level employees are considered sacraments, not there. Most of the junior members do not allow the agenda to be decided, ”Barry said.

He added, “It may be a good philosophy for Montessori Preschool, but there is no way to run a federal agency.”

Barrow also argues that FBI agents do their duty to serve them. “These people are agents of the attorney general. Like I say, FBI agents, whose agent do you think you are? “Bair said.

He continued, “And I say, ‘What exactly am I interfering with?’ When you boil it down, it is the desire of the youngest member of the organization to come up with an idea that he wants to do something. What makes that sacrament?

“They do not have the political legitimacy to be the public face for tough decisions and lack the political will to defend those decisions in public.”

These comments are likely to provoke further tensions in the Department of Justice, with lawyers in a given career repeatedly expressing concern that the bar politicizes law enforcement.

From the former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates:

Sally Yates
(@ Silicates)

These AGs predict career men and women in their own department, comparing them to preschoolers. These dedicated public servants are working hard every day to make it right. They deserve his respect, not dislike. https://t.co/KiwCfedcAC

September 17, 2020
