Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, demonstrates progress on his neuralink program for connecting the human brain to computer chips, proving the viability of a similar process with pigs.
Billionaire entrepreneur, who has described the new device as “a fitbit of your skull”, made a presentation on Friday on how Link has been working on a pig named Gertrude for the past two months.
“About the size of a large coin” – such devices would one day be implanted in humans in an hour using a custom robot that is now under development, he said.
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He said, “Right now I might have a neuralink and you wouldn’t know.” “Maybe I do.”
As reported by Mashable on Friday, Kasturi’s ultimate goal is to be able to solve some human medical conditions such as memory loss, seizures, hearing loss, extreme pain, blindness, paralysis, addiction, depression, insomnia, anxiety, stroke and brain damage.
All of this can be solved with an implantable neural link, he insisted. “Neurons are like wiring, and you need some kind of electronic thing to solve an electronic problem.”
While worldwide medical experts welcome such an achievement, the effectiveness of the Neuralink chip is a question.
The idea is not new: in 2019, Kasturi announced that the project would allow the monkey to control a computer device from his mind. Apart from pigs, this device has also been tested on at least 19 different animals and has a success rate of about 87%.
Kasturi believes the small implant can connect to someone’s phone via Bluetooth and charge wirelessly all night.
She also showed that the neuralink in Gertrude was “connected to the neurons in her snow,” receiving signals in real-time when she sniffed and ate.
During question and post-presentation of his presentation, Musk stressed that the team is “working closely with the FDA” and that safety is a top priority.
According to Vox, U.S. The Food and Drug Administration granted the company a breakthrough device authorization, which could help speed up research on medical devices.
Another Neuralink employee explained that all neural data would be encrypted and that the company was already working with penetration testers.
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Kasturi also noted that the company hires.
“If you, for example, have sent a smartwatch or phone, or any kind of complex electronics or complex devices, or advanced medical devices, we will contact you and consider working here,” Musk said at the end. Their presentation. “So a very important point to emphasize is that you don’t have to have previous experience [with] The brain. “