First Chamber of Deputies Committee reports on Russia’s 2016 election interference in elections

The nearly 1,000-page report came after a 2016 three-year election interference investigation that included more than 200 interviews, including with top Trump family members and Trump campaign officials such as Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon.

Tuesday’s report, which was released with editors, is the fifth part the commission has released on its findings, with earlier chapters examining Russia’s social media campaign and confirming that Russia sought to help Trump’s campaign.

The commission’s probes provide the latest treaty on how Russia was mediated in the 2016 election, following earlier special advice from Robert Mueller last year and the 2018 House Intelligence Committee Republican report, which Democrats disputed. The problems surrounding Russia and the 2016 election hand are still being resolved four years later, as several Republican-led Senate panels are now investigating the origins of the 2016 FBI investigation into Trump associates and Russia.

But the Republican-led First Chamber Intelligence Committee was unique on Capitol Hill for ending its investigation in two-part ways – every other committee that investigated issues related to Russia and the Trump campaign divided into partisan influence.

“The fifth and final volume focuses on the threat of counterintelligence, and outlines a wide range of Russian efforts to influence the Trump campaign and the 2016 elections,” the report said. findings in detail by looking at many aspects of the threat of counter-intelligence posed by the Russian influence. “

The entire commission drew attention to the facts set forth in the commission’s report, although Democrats and Republicans ended up with different interpretations of what they say about the Trump campaign and conspiracy.

“We can say, without a doubt, that the Committee found absolutely no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump collaborated as his campaign with the Russian government to mediate in the 2016 elections,” said Acting Prime Minister Marco Rubio, a Republican in Florida.

Virginia-sen. Mark Warner, the commission’s top Democrat, said in a statement that the report was “the most comprehensive examination of ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign to date – a breathtaking level of contacts between Trump officials and Russian government operations.” which is a very real counter-threat to our elections. “

“I urge all Americans to provide documentary evidence of the unusual and massive intervention campaign carried out on behalf of then-candidate Donald Trump by carefully monitoring Russians and their operatives and reaching their own independent conclusions,” Warner said.

The commission’s investigation was led by then-Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, a North Carolina Republican who stepped down while his shares were under investigation by the FBI, and Warner. Rubio, who took over as chairman for Burr earlier this year, worked to get the report public with editors from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

“One of the most important – and clear – findings of the commission is that many of Russia’s activities were not related to producing a specific election outcome, but sought to undermine our belief in the democratic process. is chaos sowing, discord, and mistrust, “Burr said in a statement Tuesday.
