First Call: Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson makes a total pitch to sign Antonio Brown

For “First Call” on Thursday, Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson is applying a full court press when it comes to former Steeler Antonio Brown.

He wants it in purple and black.

On three different occasions since April 1, Jackson either worked with Brown, supported him online, or spoke of him in positive terms.

Do it four.

“It was nice to pitch to Antonio Brown,” Jackson said of a spring practice session. “He hoped we caught him. I still wait, a little bit. “

Through Sports Illustrated Wednesday, Jackson made a pitch for Brown’s character, despite his current sidelined status in the NFL.

“He’s a cool, down-to-earth guy and he’s passionate about the sport of soccer,” Jackson said. “When I was working, it was obvious that this man would go 24 hours, 7 days a week. And after training, he still went and got up. “

I don’t think Steelers fans are surprised by that. When Brown was with the Steelers, his training routines and practice techniques were legendary.

However, this is Jackson’s quote that caused surprise in Pittsburgh.

And probably Oakland.

Maybe New England.

“I’m like, ‘Man, this guy, you don’t have to give it up,'” Jackson continued. “That’s the kind of person we need in our locker room. And I feel that the wardrobe here is different from any other wardrobe. It’s like a brotherhood going on. It is none of that outside noise; it’s strictly inside. “

Ummmmm …

Do not wait. Wait. Jackson was not done.

“We care about each other; we care about what we are going through. We want to win, and I can tell you that you want to win. He wants to play ball.

Is there another NFLPA wide receiver named Antonio Brown that I don’t know about? Can we clarify and have the old All Pro refer to itself as “Himmothy” permanently from now on to avoid confusion?

Seriously, Lamar? “Don’t quit smoking with him”?

The AB I know resigned from the Steelers in week 17 of 2018. And he resigned from the Raiders when he didn’t like his helmet. He also quit the league (or “retired”) two or three times since the Patriots released him in September last year.

But, no, other than that, it doesn’t give up at all.

Oh, and if you consider the constant celebration flags, the midnight protests on the treadmill on Instagram, the court cases, the league’s disciplinary deliberations, the business lawsuits, the practical absences, the yelling at the quarterbacks of Backing ground, frequent public convictions of property, management and teammates like “none of that was noise”, again you’re right.

And for a man who just “wants to play ball,” boy, does Brown find ways to keep him from doing it?

I understand where Jackson comes from. You are intoxicated by Mr. Big Chest’s talent. He is not the first. It won’t be the last.

Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, Robert Kraft, Ben Roethlisberger, Mike Tomlin, Jon Gruden. All of those boys were willing to make sacrifices in the name of normalcy to gain Brown’s ungodly skills on the field.

But the mortgage eventually expires. As the Patriots and Raiders will attest, he arrived much faster than ever in Pittsburgh.

Good luck to Jackson. If you get your wish and the Ravens sign Brown, enjoy it while it lasts.

For the Steelers, it was a productive, but tumultuous nine years.

For the Raiders, it was some practice.

For the Patriots, it was four quarters.

I’ll let Jackson establish his own over-under in Maryland.

And I’ll let everyone set their own odds of Brown winning a ring.

Tim Benz is a writer for the Tribune-Review. You can contact Tim at [email protected] or via Twitter. All tweets can be republished. All emails are subject to publication unless otherwise specified.

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