Fires erupt at the Iranian power plant, the latest in a series of incidents | News

A fire broke out Saturday at a power station in southwestern Iran, the latest of several fires and explosions in sensitive sites.

The fire, which affected a transformer at the Ahvaz city power plant, was put out by firefighters and electricity was restored after partial outages, Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi, a spokesman for state power company TAVANIR, told semi-official news. . Tasnim agency.

On Thursday, a fire broke out at the Natanz nuclear facility in Iran, but authorities said operations were unaffected.

Iranian investigators said a day after they determined the cause of the fire, a spokesman for Iran’s top security body said Friday, declining to disclose details for “security reasons.”

The National Security Council statement came when Gholamreza Jalali, Iran’s chief of civil defense, told state television that Tehran would retaliate against any country that carries out cyber attacks on its nuclear sites.

The Reuters news agency, citing three Iranian officials, said the Natanz fire was caused by cyber-sabotage.

The largely underground Natanz uranium enrichment site is one of several Iranian facilities monitored by inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog.

The Natanz incident came two days after 19 people died in an explosion at a medical clinic north of the capital Tehran, which an official said was caused by a gas leak.

On June 26, an explosion occurred in eastern Tehran, near the Parchin military and weapons development base, which authorities say was caused by a leak from a nearby gas storage facility.

Iranian authorities said at the time that investigations were ongoing to determine the cause and that no victims had been reported.

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Al Jazeera and news agencies
