Firebulls and Iguanas? 7 strange things that fell from the sky

Space rocks crashed on Earth containing compounds formed billions of years ago. Spaceships fancy fancy in the air but explode when they touch down too quickly. And sometimes, the iguana falls from the tree and the belly of the ground, settling on the ground.

Here is a list of seven interesting – objects – and a few reptiles – that made headlines for falling from the sky.

Explosion over the Tasman Sea, a green fireball

Things falling from the sky 1(CSIRO)

Researchers captured an incredible video when a bright, green meteor zipped over the southern coast of Tasmania, Australia – but unfortunately, the video is black and white.

Called a research ship InvestigatorOperated by CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, which passed through the Earth’s atmosphere, crossed the sky and then shot a volcano dispersing over the Tasman Sea.

People who first witnessed the meteorite said it looked greenish to the naked eye.

Rainbow meteorite found in Costa Rica

Things that fell from the sky 2(Lure Rain Garvey / Center for Meteorology / Arizona State University)

In 2019, a rainbow-colored space rock broke over Costa Rica and debris scattered between the villages of La Palmera and Aguas Zarcas. Now, ongoing studies indicate that fireballs may have a barrier to the chemical formation of life.

The soft meteorite originally shattered a large asteroid, forming dust from an ancient nebula. It will give birth to our solar system much later. Rainbow meteors contain complex carbon compounds, which may contain amino acids, which can be combined to form DNA-like proteins and molecules.

Sudden explosion of the SpaceX prototype

Things that fell from the sky 3(SpaceX)

SpaceX’s Starship program launched a prototype called the SN8 during a high-itude altitude test flight, and all went according to plan other than landing. The prototype SpaceX’s facility took off from Boka Chika, Texas, and zoomed in about 7.8 miles (12.5 kilometers) into the sky, performing complex aerial maneuvers along the way.

The vehicle then landed on the designated landing mark on the ground, but it came too fast and erupted into flames. The explosion occurred 6 minutes and 42 seconds after the lift exploded.

A meteorite in Michigan

Things that fell 4 from the sky(Hack et al., Field museum)

A meteor struck the sky over Hamburg, Michigan, and the pieces fell to a frozen lake below. It was in January 2018; This year, after a thorough analysis of the space rock, scientists announced that meteorites contain thousands of organic compounds formed billions of years ago.

These compounds date back to the early days of our solar system, meaning that young meteorites that crashed on Earth have similar atoms. At the time, organic compounds from meteorites could have been incorporated into primitive microbes, the team said, so studying Michigan meteors could give us a glimpse of the planet’s early life.

Comet debris may have leveled an ancient Syrian village

Things that fell from the sky 5(Jennifer Rice /

The prehistoric village of Abu Hurera in northern Syria housed the first known peasants on earth, but then some mysterious, fiery event destroyed the town, leaving the remains of spiders, mostly carbon-coated.

In the wreckage, excavators also found glassing clay, molten iron- and sulfur-rich specimens, and glass spheres from nanomiadomes.

Scientists have recently examined these glass objects more closely and discovered that they can only form at a temperature of 30,330 F (2,000,000 C). The team concluded that fragments of a passing comet spread over the village, emitting a sharp heatwave that burned the village and the land beneath it.

The dinosaur-killing asteroid struck at the most probable angle

Things that fell from the sky 6(Chase Stone)

The monster that wiped out the dinosaurs landed on the earth at an angle of space that the dinosaurs never really got a chance. Scientists modeled the planet’s path and found that it struck at an angle of about 60 degrees from the horizon.

Compared to shallow-impact angles, asteroids can increase the atmosphere by almost three times the amount of sulfur and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, according to the model. The gas released by this effect changed the global atmosphere and claimed 75 percent of the lives of all non-avian dinosaurs on Earth.

Iguana is raining down on Floridians

Things that fell 7 from the sky(Chase Stone)

“Cold temperatures with the possibility of declining reptiles” – this is essentially a warning sent by the National Weather Service when temperatures in South Florida fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 degrees Celsius).

This is because when the weather cools down, the iguans that usually hang in tratops become too old to hold the branches. As their metabolism slows down, the lizard hardens, falls to the ground and appears dead; But once the weather warms up, they come into action again.

This article was originally published by Live Science. Read the original article here.
