Fireb Video: U.S. Huge meteor strikes above ‘I thought it was a nuclear strike!’ | Science | News

A meteorite struck the northeastern U.S. But the atmosphere was striking, which some people described as “so far” as very surprising. The fireball ball was seen in six different states, including Indiana, Illinois and Iowa, as well as the Canadian city of Toronto, showing how bright the meteor is.

The camera focused on the incident, which showed a huge blue stream in the night sky.

Hundreds of people visited the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), some worried that a nuclear strike was taking place.

Kim told IMO: “It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

Adam said: “It was so fast, I waited honestly in the middle of the road for an explosion. I thought it was a nuclear strike!”

Meez added: “I didn’t believe what I saw, it felt like the fourth of July for the second fraction. Really cool.”

Miles said: “It was great! I stepped out the back door and saw the flash.

“Although it was firework but it was very high and vivid. No sound either.”

Fireballs are a largely harmful phenomenon that usually occurs when space meteors hit the atmosphere around a meteorite.

These rocks are gliding around the space without wind resistance, so as soon as the atmosphere is exposed the air enters its holes, pushes it forward and causes a bright explosion.

The IMO said: “Fireballs are meteors that look brighter than usual.

“Because of the velocity at Earth’s atmosphere, pieces larger than a millimeter have the ability to produce a bright flash as they go up into the sky.

“These brilliant meteors we call fireballs and they always hold fear and awe for those who witness them.”

Sometimes, however, a large boulder moves towards Earth – as is evident from the Chelyabinsk meteor strike.

In 2013, a 20-meter space rock hit the Earth’s atmosphere above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, shattering windows across the city and injuring more than 1,000 people.