Final Trump-Biden Presidential Debate: Top 5 Moments

The final debate in the 2020 presidential election between President Trump and Democratic nominee BN Biden saw heavy but significant exchanges between bitter rivals on issues ranging from the coronavirus to the economy.

He also addressed the latest bombingshell to stop the 2020 campaign: allegations that Biden was involved in his son Hunter’s foreign business.

The debate came against the backdrop of the busiest time ever in modern American politics, with the Senate working on the Supreme Court’s confirmation; The epidemic is still raging and Congress is working on an economic relief bill to deal with its consequences; Revelations about the nature of Russian and Iranian interference in elections; And much more.

All of this comes 12 days before election day, and because of the emphasis on mail-in voting during the epidemic, Americans vote every day, which has created the impression of an election lawsuit, a major political issue of its own.

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But on Thursday night Trump and Biden gave to Americans who could still make a totally but significantly opposite decision in their view of the United States regarding their vote.

Here are the top 5 moments of the final presidential debate:

The Hunter Story

Reports in recent days have indicated that Biden was involved in his son Hunter’s foreign business, which also allegedly made a profit from the deal. The New York Post broke the story last week, but evidence has emerged from a sketchy laptop given to the Post by Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, in recent days. And a business partner of Hunter Biden also issued an on-camera statement confirming B Biden’s involvement. A further report in the Wall Street Journal, however, casts doubt on Joe Biden’s role in Hunter Biden’s ventures, especially in China.

The issue was not immediately discussed, but when Trump denounced Biden for “horrific emails,” Biden forcibly refused to make any money from foreign sources.

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“All the emails … horrible emails about the kind of money you and your family were raising. And if, when this was happening you were the vice president. And it should never happen.” Trump said. “I think you owe it to the American people to explain.”

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Biden replied: “I have never in my life taken a penny from a foreign source.” Turning to attacking Trump, Biden added: “We have learned that this president has paid 20 times the taxes in China, has a secret bank account with China. Does business in China.”

“I have filed all my tax returns … my 22-year-old tax return,” Biden said. “You haven’t released a solitary year of your tax return … what are you hiding?”

Trump said that even though he has been saying the same thing for years and has not yet done so – he will release his tax return.

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Tony Bobulinski, a former Hunter Biden business partner, was also present at Thursday’s discussion, the president’s guest.

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Another controversial moment in the debate came when candidates quarreled over immigration policy.

Trump attacked Biden for the Obama-Biden administration’s “catch-and-release” policy, which allowed illegal immigrants to walk free before their court date after being arrested for being in the country illegally. The Conservatives have said they allow immigrants to miss their court dates and disappear into the country. Byrd, meanwhile, attacked Trump over the current administration’s different family policy, which was highly controversial before it ended in 2018.

“Parents … the children were torn from their hands and they were separated … those children are alone, nowhere to go,” Biden said of the policy.

Trump, Biden refrain by interrupting each other

Trump responded by pointing out that the infrastructure facility for many border disputes has been taken over by the Obama-Biden administration over the past four years.

“Who made the cages, Joe?” Trump said.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the right-hand man, the second and final presidential candidate, has walked out of the debate on Thursday, October 22, 2020, with first lady Melania Trump and leftist President Donald Trump on stage.  Ten.  (Associated Press) Belmont University in Nashville

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate, has been on the stage since the first, second and final presidential debate on Thursday, October 20, 2020, with first lady Melania Trump, and leftist President Donald Trump on stage. Ten. (Associated Press) Belmont University in Nashville

When caught and released, Biden argued that most illegal immigrants do not show their court dates. Trump said he doesn’t do that most of the time.

Trump added, “People with the lowest IQ, they can come back.”

“You have 525 children that they don’t know where they will be in the name of God and lose their parents,” Biden replied, and again brought up the policy of family separation.

“Go ahead,” Trump told Welker quickly as she moved on to another issue.

The comments made by Trump during this exchange, presumably regarded as fearless, could be the biggest mistake of the night as he seeks to appeal to centrists and suburban voters.

Minimum wage

After Weller asked Biden about raising the minimum wage to ડ 15 an hour, Biden would not understand the question and would advocate for small-business securities.

“We have to help our small businesses by raising the minimum wage,” he said. It doesn’t help. ‘

– President Trump

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“We’re going to bail them out, too,” Biden said. “Now we have to bail them out, these small businesses. We’ve got 1 out of 6 of them. They won’t be able to get it back.”

Trump slammed the minimum wage “should be a state option” because “Alabama is different from New York. New York is different from Vermont.”

Biden replied that “one should not be below two jobs, one job, poverty … and there is no evidence that when you go out of business the minimum wage industry.”

This exchange may be considered Biden’s biggest mistake of the evening, as he initially seemed to have completely missed the point of Welker’s question. The moment also played into Trump’s big economic message, which his allies have practically requested to be published in the final stages of the campaign.

Race relations

Biden was his most effective Thursday when he attacked Trump or published what kind of president he would be. Among them were comments that he would “shut down the virus, not the country,” and that Trump “should have a sandtrap in his golf course, they should negotiate a coronavirus deal with Nancy Pelosi.”

‘This guy is a dog whistle as big as Fogern.’

– JB Biden

There were other such one-liners on other issues, including Biden’s plan to become “American” president.

But the most memorable races came during the exchange of relationships.

“It will fuel every racist fire,” Biden said. “He started that campaign and came down the escalator saying he would get rid of the Mexican rapists. He banned Muslims because they are Muslims.”

Byden added: “This guy is a dog whistle with a part as big as a fongorn.”

Biden’s comments were in response to Trump’s claims that he was “the least racist person in this room.”

Describing his race record in detail, the President said, “I have found criminal justice reform and prison reform and scope of opportunity.” “I took care of black colleges and universities.”

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Corona virus

“Anyone responsible for so many deaths, shouldn’t be the president of the United States of America,” Biden said of Trump’s handling of the epidemic that killed more than 200,000 Americans.

Trump echoed his earlier advice to Americans not to be afraid of the virus, saying, “We can’t lock ourselves in the basement like we do. … He has this in the basement.”

These comments contain two very different scenes on how to manage the epidemic presented by both candidates in the long section on epidemics.

‘We’ll go black winter, black winter.’

– JB Biden

Trump claimed that the U.S. “Rounding the corner” and the virus is “going away” and possibly some news giving a vaccine saying “will be revealed in a week.”

The president specifically referred to Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer as companies whose vaccines promise to be part of Operation Worm Speed, a public-private partnership to make coronavirus vaccines).

Biden, meanwhile, mocked Trump’s approach to reopening schools and businesses.

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“All of you teachers are there, not that many of you will die, so don’t worry about it,” Biden said, reflecting Trump’s stance on the epidemic. “Variable.”

Biden said, “We’re going to have a black winter, a black winter.

In the Biden One-Liners category, he noted Trump’s comments that the U.S. is learning to live with the coronavirus, and said that Americans with the epidemic are just “learning to die” with the disease.