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The manufacture and sales of hand sanitizers have recently exploded to meet demand during the coronavirus pandemic, but some products may not be safe for use. On Wednesday, NBC News reported that the United States Food and Drug Administration expanded a list of hand sanitizers that it is removing from store shelves, increasing the total number of recently recalled products to at least 75. Some of the Recalled products are sold at national chains like Walgreens and Costco.
The recalled products tested positive for methanol or wood alcohol, which can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested. The FDA recommended that anyone exposed to hand sanitizers containing methanol seek immediate treatment, as substantial exposure can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, seizures, permanent blindness, coma, nervous system damage, and death. According to reports, most brands that test positive for methanol are imported from Mexico.
Earlier this month, FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn issued a statement on these potentially toxic hand sanitizer products, saying, “Unfortunately, there are some companies that take advantage of the increased use of hand sanitizer during the coronavirus pandemic and life-threatening by selling products with dangerous and unacceptable ingredients. Consumers and healthcare providers should not use hand sanitizers that contain methanol. “
Last month, the FDA issued a warning warning against the use of Mexican manufacturer Eskbiochem’s hand sanitizers after finding methanol in some of its products. Methanol was found in nine Eskbiochem product brands including All-Clean Hand Sanitizer, CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer, and The Good Gel Antibacterial Gel Hand Sanitizer (see full list here). One product, Wash Gel, contains 81 percent methanol. Young children who accidentally use the substance are at increased risk of methanol poisoning.
An Eskbiochem representative, Alexander Escamillo, told the Times that someone who “had access to our company” had registered it with the FDA. “He registered our labels and sent disinfectants,” he said. “We don’t register ourselves.” Escamillo expressed his confidence in the company’s commitment to act against the mysterious saboteur, whom he referred to only as a broker. “We would never do that, maliciously send a toxic chemical,” he said. In fact, Escamillo claims that no one at the company can even log into his FDA profile, “because we don’t know how to do it.”
This publication has been updated.