FDA approves first-emergency use for A-home rapid coronavirus testing

U.S. regulators approved the first rapid emergency use on Tuesday Corona virus Testing that can be done completely at home. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced plans to expand testing options for COVID-19 beyond health care facilities and test sites. Presents an important step in the effort of – but the test will require a prescription, possibly limiting its initial use.

The FDA approved the emergency 30-minute kit from California manufacturer Lucira Health.

The company’s test allows users to swipe to collect a nasal sample. The sample is then turned into a vial that plugs into a portable device that interprets the results and shows whether the person has tested positive or negative for the virus.

To date, the agency has authorized about 300 tests for coronavirus. Most people need nasal swabs performed by health professionals and must be processed in laboratories using high-tech testing equipment. Allowing a handful of people at home to collect their own samples – nasal swabs or saliva – is then sent to a lab, which usually means days of waiting for results.

Health experts have been demanding alternatives for people to be tested at home for months, changing the timing and reducing the potential spread of the virus among health care workers.

Lucira did not immediately respond to a request for additional details.
