Fauci says findings on a possible coronavirus vaccine are expected in early December

Dr. Anthony Fauci

“We will know if any vaccines are safe and effective by the end of November, early December,” said the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “The dose available in December is definitely not enough to vaccinate everyone – you have to wait several months until 2021.”

Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Murray show, Foussi added that vaccination of “significant proportions of the population” so as to have a “significant impact on the dynamics of the outbreak” would not be possible until the second or third quarter of 2021.

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“What I do know is that with the successful vaccination and the continuation of some hygienic measures, as we move into the third and fourth quarters of the month of 2021, we will see a significant approach to some form. In general,” Fawcett told Mirror.

U.S. President Donald Trump says the United States “corner scams” ​​during the epidemic pressed on whether it was right or wrong, Fawcett said he believes this is untrue.

“The data speaks for itself,” Fawcett said.

“Unfortunately, what I’m seeing from afar, I’m sad to see what I’m seeing in the UK … You went downhill the way we hit badly, but now you’re starting to grow the way we’re here. Should, ‘he added.
