Fans order NBC to cut Clemson-ND for Biden speech

Five days after the vote was counted, former Vice President Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election. The extended nature of the calculation has left some networks with tough programming decisions.

The NBC had to decide in particular whether Saturday’s expected matchup between No. 1 Clemson and No. 4 Notre Dame would be disrupted for the BBN’s victory speech. Like other networks, NBC chose Biden and chose the game over his sister USA Network, while the president-elect spoke. ABC made a similar decision with Stanford-Reg Reagan.

Announcing it will switch time ahead And broadcaster Mike Tiriko has repeatedly warned viewers during the game. “Data-reacted =” 22 “> NBC made it very clear that this would happen, Announcing it will switch time ahead And broadcaster Mike Tiriko repeatedly warns viewers during the game.

It still doesn’t stop some college ledge football fans from getting too angry about losing a part of the game.

Not everyone wanted to go and see Biden on Saturday. (AP Photo / Andrew Harnick)

As Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris took the stage, fans took to Twitter to shout at NBC for its decision. Some examples can be seen below, but trust us, this is not the extent of the internet screaming.

Some of NBC Mention Manual, but be prepared for some graphic language. Data-reacted = “36”> You can check Some of NBC Mention Be prepared for yourself, but some graphic language.

Some people were really mad to see Joe Biden

Although it is easy to ignore these people due to the inability to change the channel, it is worth noting that the USA was not a network option for those watching on antennas.

And few even thought about the weak viewers of the USA network who missed a big chunk of the “Guardians of the Galaxy 2”.