Fall Guys will delete the yellow team when Tweet receives one million retweets

Fall Guys PS4

If you ever need to build your marketing skills, check out Fall Guys’ Twitter account. The man behind the profile has been on absolute fire since the game broke on the scene, putting out funny tweets that immediately go viral and start a charitable competition for brands to participate. Did he go too far this time, though? The madman has just gone and said that if the tweet you see below gets one million retweets, the yellow team will be deleted from the game!

And, now, it already has over 130,000 at the time of this writing. That’s a lot and the tweet looks good on the way to one million. As the account later mentions, this would make it the 19th most retweeted tweet in history if it reached the milestone, at which point the yellow team scrape is probably worth it. We are not sure why this color in particular is prepared, but it is still very funny all the same.

Will it happen? Probably not, but strange things have happened on the internet. In the meantime, if you need help qualifying for a particular event, be sure to check out our Fall Guys All Rounds and How to Win Each Game Type guide. Have you contributed to the big total so far with a nice retweet? Help clear the yellow team in the comments below.
