Fall Guys gets a new final round tomorrow as part of a major update

Fall Guys PS4 PlayStation 4

For as much fun as Fall Guys is, there’s the question of longevity. How is developer Mediatonic going to hold people back? The studio has already promised new rounds and extra content as time goes on, and the first major update comes to the game tomorrow, August 12th.

Jump Showdown is a level of the round type that was present in the beta but absent throughout the release. In the morning it will be added again in the fray. It’s a lot like Jump Club, only floor segments will fall away until there are only a few left, and the game will continue until a winner is decided.

It’s not the only thing that will change in the upcoming update. Some nasty bugs will eventually be removed, including people that could essentially skip the Block Party level. Patch notes shared under the tweet above include:

  • Reduced the weight for Royal Fumble to add more definitive round variation
  • Fixed crash at launch with certain regional agendas set in the operating system
  • Improved messages for matchmaking and server errors
  • Fixed physics behaviors unfairly at high frame rates at levels such as Tip Toe
  • Fixed crown in Fall Mountain is not to be missed in rare situations
  • Focused on some clashes in Block Party that allowed players to pass the blocks
  • Fixed parties sometimes fail due to too many requests
  • Focused on some special characters that cause display issues in player names
  • Fixed Big Tease Achievement not unlocked in specific regions
  • PC only – Fixed game controller models are not detected on PC

It’s a solid first update for Fall Guys, then. Hopefully, Mediatonic will be able to keep up with the demand, continue to work on its servers, and introduce new games at a constant pace.
