Factorio reaches 1.0 after eight years of development

Illustration for article titled iFactorio / iReaches 1.0 After eight years of development

Screenshot: Factorio

The devilishly expansive Factorio, a game about building a factory that just gets bigger and more automated, the longer you decide to play the game, was one of the first real success stories that came out of Steam’s Early Access program. What it is now, eight years later, is no longer a part of.

The game began development in 2012, raised money through an Indiegogo campaign in 2013 and hit Early Access in 2016. But it was not until Friday, August 14, 2020 that the game was finally “released” as version 1.0.

Here’s the launch trailer if you’ve still seen what the game looks like:

But in a pleasant touch, the team released a second clip, which takes the Early Access trailer of the 2016 game:

And update it with Visuals of 2020 to show how far the game has come in years:

I’ll have to check it out! Although I remember playing it a few years ago, and although I loved it, I also found myself more afraid of how big my factory got, and I think that will still be the case, because … the whole point is of the game.
