Facebook Criticizes Apple Paul’s Privacy Change on Second Blitz Day

The Facebook logo is displayed on the phone’s screen.

Jakub Porziki | LightPhoto by Getty Images

On the second day after Apple launched an attack on Paul’s upcoming privacy change, Facebook is running another ad, asking customers to consider whether to pay for existing free apps.

On Wednesday, Facebook ran newspaper ads, launched a new website and ran blog posts outlining Apple’s arguments opposing privacy changes, claiming that “personalized ads threaten that millions of small businesses rely on customers to find and reach them.” ”

Apple will soon change the settings on users’ iPhones in the name of privacy, and that will fundamentally change the way mobile advertising is done on those devices. It will take a privacy option that was previously buried in users’ phones and put it in front and center when they open an application. The way people don’t advertise is expected to have a dramatic impact on the ability to target advertisers that way.

Facebook has been in the process of changing since it was announced in June. Blaming , Pal is moving free, ad-supported Internet to paid apps and services, where Apple Pal can take a 30% cut.

The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Washington Post are set to launch a new ad on Thursday, which took a different opportunity: suggested content creators will have to turn to subscriptions to replace lost ad revenue, and customers will have to pay for what was once free. Pay.

The ad reads, “Take your favorite cooking sites or sports blogs.” “Most are free because they show ads. Apple’s change will limit their ability to run personalized ads. For ultimate fulfillment, many will have to start charging you a subscription fee or make more purchases in the app, making the Internet more expensive and reduced. High quality free content. ”

Wednesday’s ads introduced a new page for business on Facebook, including videos of interviews with business owners speaking out against ad change. It includes a “toolkit” for creating posts with the hashtag “#SpeakUpforSmall” explaining what will happen, and talking about change.

“We believe this is a simple matter for our users to remain standing. Users should be aware of when their data is collected and shared on other applications and websites – and they should have the choice to approve it or not.” . ” Statement emailed Wednesday. “IOS 14 doesn’t require Facebook to change its approach to app tracking transparency, user tracking and targeted advertising, it just needs to give users a choice.”
