Nearly one-third cited the economy as their most important issue, while citing racial inequality, about 1 in 5 and 1 in 6 cited the coronavirus epidemic as the most important for their vote. About 1 in 10 cited health care policy and crime and violence as their main issues.
Yet, despite the economy being said to be their most important issue in choosing a candidate rather than the coronavirus, a narrow majority says the country’s priority should now be the coronavirus on rebuilding the economy.
That discovery is due to the fact that most voters feel that the country’s efforts to contain the virus are deteriorating. With coronavirus cases on the rise in many states, 7 out of 10 voters say they see wearing a face mask as a public health responsibility rather than a personal choice.
Views on all matters Coronavirus divides voters based on political affiliation. Supporters of President Donald Trump cite the economy as their main issue (6 out of 10 of the president’s supporters) cite coronavirus (only 5% seem to be), while former vice president B Biden’s supporters cite coronavirus more than the economy (about 1 in 10). Refer to (around 10 3).
About 10 out of 10 Trump supporters say rebuilding the economy should be the nation’s priority in ending the spread of the virus, while among Biden supporters, about 8 out of 10 say that including coronavirus should be a big priority.
Nearly half of voters say the nation’s economy is weak, yet more people say they are as good today as they were four years ago (4 out of 10). Still, the majority say they are experiencing economic hardship as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.
The experience of voters casting their ballots for the most part is an easy one, however, according to White voters, it was very easy (about three quarters) and there is a big difference between the share of black voters who seem to be the same. (About half). Almost overall they say they are very confident that the votes in their states will be the same as they were four years ago.
With the wave of early and absentee voter recruitment this year, very few people made up their minds on the final days of the contest: only 4% said they made up their minds in the final week of the campaign, and about three-quarters said they made up their minds before September. .
The survey indicated a high level of participation of new voters. About 1 in 8 says 2020 is the first year they’ve voted, exactly the same as in 2008.
CNN Exit Polls is a combination of personal interviews with election day voters and telephone by-polls measuring absentee by-mail and early voter opinions and conducted by Edison Research on behalf of the National Election Pool. Day, on74 Election On Election Day, voters were personally interviewed on a random sample of 1 polling 115 polling stations across the country. The results also included 4,919 interviews with early and absent voters conducted by phone. The results of the full sample have an error margin of plus or minus 2 percentage points; It’s big for subgroups.
This story is breaking down and will be updated.