One of the big surprises during the Toonami special edition of Adult Swim Con was a special anime short for Rick and Morty directed by tower of God director, Takashi Sano. This short featured tons of Easter Eggs for anime fans, but it wasn’t forgotten by fans of the animated series Adult Swim, either, as it actually features the long-awaited return of Evil Morty. Although this plot was briefly mentioned during the fourth season as one of the possible scrapped endings on the Story Train, until now it was not a real return for Evil Morty.
As fans can see in this new short, the Ricks Council is questioning a Morty about his Rick’s whereabouts as a mysterious entity known as the Genocider attacks Tokyo. Attendees include a bespectacled Morty sitting in the center seat of power (as did his inauguration during Season 3’s “The Ricklantis Mixup”), but the actual confirmation that it’s Evil Morty comes more late.
After Rick takes over the Genocider fleet with only a few anime-powered boosters, this group’s leader Rick is caught in a gravity blast. Once it explodes, a small robotic device stops sounding like the robot that Rick Evil Morty had initially used during its debut in “Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind” in Season 1. Evil Morty is then seen holding the controller. remote and looking disturbed.
The final confirmation comes with Rick confronting Evil Morty later saying “So this is your timeline” before noticing how much it sucks and disappears. Now this is confirmation that this is really Evil Morty, or if this has a link to the live one. “Rick and Morty canon “(which the series doesn’t pay much attention to anymore), but this multiverse adventure might have a few more clues to Evil Morty’s current activities that we haven’t seen in the main series yet!
But what do you think? Is this Morty really evil seen in the short or is he another Multiverse Morty with that kind of competition? Will it have any important ties to the main series or is it just a fun salute to the fandom? What did you think of “Rick and Morty vs. Genocider” in general? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach me straight on all the lively and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
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