Evan Fornier is the second Celtics player in 25 seasons to complete this feat

Evan Fourn went back to his rough start on Friday night with the Near Boston Celtics.

After scoring just six points in his first two games with C, Fouron Near went down 23 runs in the victory over the Houston Rockets. Twenty of those points came in the fourth quarter, when he was a full 7-for-7 (6-for-6 out of 3) off the field.

Time puts the best career game in Lord C’s win

The former Orlando Magic’s seven-pointer marked a career high, but it wasn’t his only impressive feat in the game. Fornier has become the second Cena player in the last 25 seasons to drop 20 percent in 100 percent shooting in a quarter, according to ESPN statistics and data.

The last Celtic with a quarter like that? It will be Paul Pierce who scored 20 points in the third quarter of the 2009 game against the Chicago Bulls.

The Celtics are not a bad company for newcomers.

These numbers from the longtime Celtics radio and voice Is Sean Grande really put the fourth quarter of the stars of our rear in perspective:

Friday’s performance will speed up the game in Sunday’s game vs. Charlotte Hornets. Tip-F for that matchup is set for ET at 6 p.m.