YouTube Music will transfer your songs from Google Play with a single click


Google says this whole transfer process will take place in steps, but it should all take less than an hour. Of course, extreme cases with massive music libraries or tons of loads can take much longer, up to a few days. But even libraries with tens of thousands of songs shouldn’t take long to behave. I was able to transfer my modest collection of approximately 8,500 songs, 131 saved stations, and approximately 30 playlists in 15 minutes. In a demo with Google last week, a demo transfer of an account with over 10,000 songs and many more playlists was done in almost the same amount of time.

As the transfer is done, you will find a banner on the YouTube Music home page highlighting the things you removed from the previous service, and you can use the app while the transition is in progress. Google will send an email and a push notification once everything is complete. Google Play Music will continue to work for now, so if a user returns to the previous service for a while and wants to start a new transfer from their account, they can do it as many times as they want.

At the same time that Google launched this transition tool, it also confirmed that Play Music will be closed permanently this year. We don’t know exactly when, but the writing is clearly on the wall right now. However, at this point, most Play Music holdouts should feel quite comfortable about switching, in my opinion basically all of the breakout issues I originally encountered have been fixed. Browsing through a music library is much better now, with basic things like sorting albums from A to Z (rather than recent additions) luckily it’s now present. Similarly, if you add a song or album to your library, artists will appear in your artist list; you don’t have to “subscribe” to an artist channel separately.
