Xbox’s ‘Halo Infinite’ looks a lot better now and has a new and far release window


When you delay the launch of your next-gen console’s flagship game months before launch …

When you lose a GM and replace him with new campaign bosses and multiplayer …

When you’ve only shown a few minutes of poorly received footage …

It seems pretty clear that your game won’t be out anytime soon. And now Microsoft and 343 have confirmed that yes, the Halo Infinite release window for 2021 is not in the spring, but in the fall of 2021, which will end with a delay of almost a full year, and it will be the big Christmas launch. by Xbox Series X next year instead of this.

This news was announced by Bungie veteran Joe Staten, who was hired by 343 to headline the campaign after the game’s poor performance a few months ago. He, along with other team members, wrote a massive blog post about the state of the game, what happened, and what they are doing next.

In short, they knew that the Halo Infinite demo wouldn’t look as good as they wanted, but they released it anyway to hopefully just focus on the game. But the pictures overwhelmed everything else, and the blog post spends the next few thousand words on very technical details on all the changes that are being made to improve that. But all you really need to do is look at the new screenshots they released, which already look so much better than the ones we got before. And frankly, it looks a lot like Halo 5, which I wouldn’t consider a bad thing, as no one was complaining about those images, aside from the odd comment that maybe they’re “too brave.” I think it’s okay and these look good. Well even.

Everything indicates that the idea that has come up frequently that Halo Infinite divide its launch into multiplayer and a player on different dates is not going to happen. As much as Microsoft undoubtedly doesn’t want Infinite to arrive a full year later than planned, a split like that never made much sense, and I think it’s better to keep them all together, even if multiplayer is taking the unusual step. of being free to play this time.

There are also live team updates here that talk about things like seasons and roadmaps that we expect from just about any game in progress around this time, and I’m looking forward to seeing an Apex / COD-style season schedule for Halo once it arrives. They reiterate that they will not sell things like loot boxes or energy upgrades. This almost goes without saying for new games in 2020 unless you’re Genshin Impact, but I guess it’s good to hear the same.

Is this all comforting? I have no idea. I mean, the screens certainly look better and everything they say sounds good, but this is also a team that was about to release a game in the state it was in a few months ago, and now there is an extra year suddenly? How was it going to be before? What’s being added with so much more time to work on it now? Looks like we’re just taking a look.

Regardless, I’m never averse to game delays that improve the final product. But this has certainly been unusual, to say the least.

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