Windows 10 ‘future vision’ is everything we could hope for


It was reported today that Microsoft plans to give Windows 10 a new coat of paint next year, updating the Start menu, File Explorer, and Action Center.

There’s no question that Windows 10 is in need of a decent makeover for a long time, but will Microsoft take it far enough?


Hacker 34, who has produced several Windows concepts before (represented, surprisingly, in PowerPoint), has created what he calls the ‘vision of the future’ of Windows 10.

His concept offers a new improved Action Center (with a very subtle message in favor of Biden!), The ability to easily change the audio outputs and Fluent 4.0 layouts with more blur.

File Explorer finally wins tabs here, there’s a Unified Settings app to properly replace Control Panel, and the idea of ​​full theme support is something we really like.

The entire concept has a consistent layout and consistent animations too, which is something The Hacker 34 rightly describes as the most desired feature.

We really like some of the ideas here. Watch the video and let us know what you think of it in the comments below.
