Why Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer Should Be Canceled: Daily Investigation Plot


Cyberpunk 2077 updates: CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer will be “reconsidered.” It may seem like a shame, but the best option would be to cancel it.

Cyberpunk 2077 should get a free online multiplayer mode that users can use to wreak havoc with their friends in Night City. Those plans were put on hold indefinitely when CD Projekt Red announced that it had “reconsidered” its plans for an online component for Cyberpunk 2077. Open world games of the future.

Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most controversial game releases in recent history. The game was adversely affected by fatal and occasionally groundbreaking bugs that led to the removal of Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store.

The difficult initial conditions led to several class action lawsuits. Demands of angry players. Additionally, CDPR even suffered a ransomware attack in February that halted development for weeks and leaked corporate data.

Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer Details:

The company still managed to post updates during such inconvenient months. Even so, there are still serious issues in Cyberpunk 2077, even after patch 1.2 shipped with 500 fixes.

Cyberpunk 2077
Screen rant

Therefore, CDPR should cancel all plans for multiplayer. Cyberpunk 2077, so you can use all your powers of development to deliver the single-player experience you promised.

CDPR has not completely given up on its efforts to bring Night City online. Company president Adam Kiciński said the development team is “focused on bringing all of our franchises online one day” after it was revealed that it was reconsidering the game’s multiplayer plans.

The concept is a natural idea of ​​the game. Science fiction on paper, especially given the enormous popularity of Grand Theft Auto Online. However, given CDPR’s ambitious plans for the sound of the game’s multiplayer element, it would be unwise to expand a franchise if the original content still needs improvement.

Although the game was the first single-player game to have more than a million players on Steam, interest in the game has ceased. A month after launch, the game would lose 79% of its players from Steam (via TechSpot), a serious red flag suggesting that many players may not be interested in multiplayer.

Furthermore, in an interview with Eurogamer in 2013, Kiciński suggested viewing multiplayer as a “separate and dedicated product” developed by an “independent team”.

This statement was published eight years ago, so the plans for the multiplayer component of the game may have been completely revamped. However, it has been almost four months since its release, and players continue to report serious single player issues and bugs.
