WhatsApp is testing the ‘Join Missed Calls’ and ‘Biometric Blocking’ features as they were reportedly spotted in beta update The ‘Join Missed Calls’ feature will allow users to join an ongoing call midway if they did not answer the phone initially. The ‘Biometric Lock’ feature is being enhanced to include more forms of authentication in addition to the fingerprint. These two features are said to be in development and will come to the app in a future update.
According to a report from WABetaInfo, a post that tracks WhatsApp features but is not officially affiliated with the messaging service, WhatsApp is testing two new features as seen in the latest beta update, version One of the features, Join Missed Calls, is intended to allow users to join a group call midway if they miss it initially. Of course, the call must continue and this feature will allow users to get in quickly. According to the screenshot shared by WABetaInfo, the user will see an option “Ignore” and “Join”.
Coming to ‘Biometric Lockdown’, WhatsApp is adding other ways to authenticate a user in addition to fingerprint scanning. As of now, only ‘Fingerprint Lock’ is available in WhatsApp privacy settings, but it seems that this option will change to ‘Biometric Lock’ as it will include authentication with face unlock or other unique identifiers, along with the fingerprint . Users will still have the ability to choose how soon WhatsApp will be automatically blocked.
As of now, it is unclear when these new features will make their way to the stable version of the app. It should be noted that they are in development and are not yet available to beta users. WABetaInfo has shared a preview of the currently disabled features, which are expected to appear in a future build.
Recently, a beta update with version 2.2043.7 was said to include support for voice and video calls for the web / desktop client of the messaging application. While this feature is already available in the Android and iOS apps, the WhatsApp web doesn’t support it yet. And like the Join Missed Calls and Biometric Blocking feature, it’s unclear when it will reach the public.
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