A new feature is being introduced in WhatsApp that would help users to mute specific chats forever. The tech giant has taken to Twitter to announce that it is adding a new option known as ‘Always’ in the chat settings. This feature has been rolling out in beta testing for a while, but the company is finally rolling out to stable.
Before this update, the mute setting introduces three options that allow you to mute a chat for 8 hours, 1 week, or 1 year. The third option is now changing to ‘Always’, which will allow you to mute a chat forever. However, WhatsApp will still allow you to choose whether to show notifications for that chat or not. The feature is now rolling out to iOS and Android devices, as well as WhatsApp web.
Now you can mute a chat forever 🤫 pic.twitter.com/DlH7jAt6P8
– WhatsApp Inc. (@WhatsApp) October 23, 2020
For clarity, these are the steps to mute a chat forever on WhatsApp. Open the chat> tap the menu option at the top right and select Mute notifications. It will take you to three options in which you have to select the third, the ‘Always’ button> Press Ok. As stated, you can select Show notifications if you only want to see notifications without an alert. However, once muted, you will see the option Do not mute notifications in the chat settings instead of the option Mute notifications.
WhatsApp is doing a lot to ensure that the application continues to meet the dynamic needs of users. One of the several features the company is working on is multi-device support, which will cause users to use the same account on different devices, something that is not possible at this time. Additionally, the company is said to be working on the ability to make voice and video calls using the web client.
The messaging app could soon allow you to use the same account on different devices. It could allow users to work with the same account on four different devices at the same time.
Also, you could add support for video calls and voice calls for the web client. When you receive a call on WhatsApp while using the web client, a pop-up will appear with options to receive and reject the call. Also, there will be an ‘Ignore’ option at the bottom. If you make a call, a small pop-up window will appear with options to start video, mute, reject, and more settings.
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