Uzbekistan plans next issue of sovereign Eurobonds


TASHKENT, Nov.17 (Xinhua) – Uzbekistan plans to issue 10-year sovereign international bonds on Britain’s London Stock Exchange this week, the Central Asian country said on Tuesday.

Local media reported that the target for the planned Eurobond issuance is $ 1 billion, although the Finance Ministry did not disclose the volume of the issue.

Uzbekistan selected Citi, Gazprombank, JP Morgan, Societe Generale and VTB Capital as joint lead managers and bookmakers, the ministry said.

Within the planned road-show, international investors will be informed about the country’s current macroeconomic indicators, the measures taken to ensure stability during the coronavirus pandemic, the prospects for reforming and privatizing state-owned companies and the banking sector, he said.

Uzbekistan placed its first overseas government bonds on the London Stock Exchange in Great Britain on February 13 last year after an extensive marketing exercise in New York, Boston and London.

The bond placement was hailed as historic by Uzbek officials, as the country turns to international debt markets for the first time after decades of economic isolation. Final product
