Ursid meteor shower to form a double phenomenon with the Christmas star at the winter solstice | Science | News


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On December 21, amateur and professional astronomers will enjoy a double exhibition of astronomical phenomena. The Ursid meteor shower has already begun to dazzle the night sky, but is expected to thicken in the coming days as Earth moves deeper into the debris left by Comet 8P / Tuttle. The shooting stars began to appear on December 17, but will peak during the night of December 21 and will be equally active the following night.

During this time, stargazers will receive up to five shooting stars per hour.

However, despite the “sparse nature” of the rain, shooting stars will be more prominent since the Moon is only one-quarter full.

The Royal Greenwich Observatory said: “This year the peak of the Ursids coincides with a first quarter Moon, which means that despite the low nature of the rain, you may only be able to see a few shooting stars.

“Rain also occurs around the winter solstice, so you will have the maximum hours of darkness to gaze at the stars!

Ursid meteor shower to form a double phenomenon with the Christmas star at the winter solstice

Ursid meteor shower to form double phenomenon with Christmas star at winter solstice (Image: GETTY)

Christmas star

A Christmas Star will also appear on December 21. (Image: GETTY)

“Meteor hunting, like the rest of astronomy, is a waiting game, so it’s best to bring a comfortable chair to sit on and wrap up warm as you might be outside for a while.

“They can be seen with the naked eye, so you don’t need to use binoculars or a telescope, although you will need to allow your eyes to adjust to the dark.”

But the meteor shower is not the only astronomical phenomenon that will make this winter solstice so spectacular.

What astronomers have dubbed the “Christmas Star” will also appear, shining brightly on the Moon.

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Ursid meteors will peak on December 21 and 22 (Image: GETTY)

However, the astronomical object is not a star, but a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, the two largest planets in the solar system.

Both planets can be seen easily, as they will be the star-like celestial bodies next to the Moon.

From Earth’s perspective, the planets will be so close together that they will appear as one bright object.

On December 21, the planets will be so close together in the night sky that it will be the closest they have been since 1226.

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Jupiter facts and figures (Image: EXPRESS)

Astronomy.com said: “Jupiter and Saturn will form a rare ‘Christmas Star’ at the winter solstice.

“During the event, Jupiter and Saturn will be located only 0.1 degrees apart, or just a fifth of the width of the Moon.

“In fact, Jupiter and Saturn will be so close that you can place them both in the same telescopic field of view. That’s incredibly rare.”

The last time Jupiter and Saturn were this close was in 1226 AD.

Astronomy.com said: “However, humanity will not have to wait that long to see the two largest planets in the solar system repeat this month’s performance.”


Saturn facts and figures (Image: EXPRESS)

“Another Grand Conjunction will occur in 2080. Of course, many of us who are alive today will not be around, so it would be wise to dive into this show while you can.”

Jupiter is by far the brightest, outshining Saturn by a factor of 12.

In fact, the gas giant will be the second brightest object in the sky, only after the Moon.

The pair will be easy to spot, as it will be the bright object next to the Moon.

The best time to see the Great Conjunction will be shortly after sunset, with the brightest light next to the Moon between 4.30 pm and 6 pm GMT.
