The war in Ethiopia leads to a refugee crisis in Sudan: Welthungerhilfe is providing 250,000 euros to supply the refugees – Sudan


Bonn / Berlin, 2020-11-23 The military conflict in the Ethiopian province of Tigray is forcing thousands of families to leave their villages and their lands to seek refuge in neighboring Sudan. For more than two weeks there has been fierce fighting between the central government of Addis Ababa and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

According to United Nations figures, around 2,500 people cross the border into Sudan daily. After walking for days, the refugees are exhausted when they arrive in the villages of the Kassala and Gedaref provinces. Some 40,000 refugees are in dire need of humanitarian assistance as they arrive in Sudan hungry, thirsty and terrified. They had to leave everything behind in their homeland. The UN expects a further increase to 400,000 people in the coming months.

“People are desperate, because they are in a dramatic and undignified situation. The help provided so far is not enough: they have no water, no food, hardly any sanitary services and no roof over their heads. Everything is scarce and more people arrive every day. We cannot leave these people behind, ”says Shadrack Mutiso, Welthungerhilfe coordinator, about the situation at the refugee reception centers in Hamdayet.

As a first step, Welthungerhilfe will supply some 8,000 people in Sudan with drinking water, kitchen utensils, soap, blankets and clothing. At the same time, sanitation facilities are also being installed to improve disastrous hygiene conditions. People have sought refuge in former refugee camps, where Sudanese refugees lived during previous conflicts. At the same time, new camps are being established, because the number of refugees is increasing every day. Welthungerhilfe also plans to create shelters for children and women.

Welthungerhilfe solicits donations for people affected by the military conflict.

Simone pott
Team Communications
