The Medium Reviews finds players divided on the horror title


While The medium It certainly caught our attention with its clever and ambitious gameplay trailer, I couldn’t grab the game itself as it’s only on Xbox (which I don’t have) and PC (of which I have a baked potato). Fortunately, there are quite a few people on the internet who are lucky enough to have such gaming devices, doubly so they have shared their thoughts on the new Bloober Team title. I’ve collected some of the best shots to share here, and they’re divided.

The art of the medium game title

Overall, reviewers praised the visuals, aesthetics, and ambitious narrative approach of The medium. Where the split occurs, however, is how well the game actually executed the idea of ​​splitting the action between a mundane and paranormal world, or whether or not the story itself connected with its audience. The medium It certainly feels like a title that is going to be different for different players. That will be a big factor in how much slack you give the game, which is expensive for what appears to be some 10-hour or so entertainment.

Image via Bloober Team

Read on to see how The medium accumulates, but watch out for some story spoilers:

Finally The mediumThe narrative threads begin to weave together … The promise that everything is somehow connected in some unforeseen and fascinating way is an exciting reason to watch the game through to the end. Connections to the real-world events of Polish history make many of the revelations even more poignant – even if the supernatural aspects are fictional, it’s deeply unsettling to think about how some of the evil present in this game actually occurred.

And to that end The mediumThe conclusion stays with you; It’s a last, horrible reminder that trauma may not define a person, but it can have consequences that we can’t even begin to foresee if it’s not treated properly and simply allowed to escalate over time. I can’t say I enjoyed the ending of The Medium, but I am deeply satisfied with how it establishes the inescapable nature of its horrific conclusion. –

The medium uses a unique reality-shifting ability to bring a new dimension to some tried-and-true genre puzzle solving mechanics. It presents an intriguing mystery to unravel and adds a tangible sense of urgency to your investigations by putting a truly memorable villain on your heels. He’s not able to play with perspective as effectively as some other Bloober Team work, but he has a brilliant pace and palpable tension. An absorbing and stressful journey from the scream of your first scary jump to your last gasp, The Medium delivers a psychological horror adventure that’s all thriller and no filler. – Tristan Ogilvie

Despite some technical weaknesses and the simple, hardcore stealth and puzzle solving, I completely fell in love with The Medium. The writing is stacked at the best of the genre with its well-crafted mystery that explores difficult, often heartbreakingly related topics on its way to a satisfying, if not uplifting conclusion. Top-tier actors realize complex and memorable heroes and monsters along the way, and the score, sound design, and art are beautiful, putting together an unforgettable and cohesive whole. The medium will stay with me for a long time. – Leana Hafer

Image via Bloober Team

The medium is wildly ambitious and could have been a site for incredible and innovative storytelling. Instead, he gropes for delicate subjects, plot points evaporate into thin air, and characters closely studied are left behind and are never mentioned again. Even while taking notes, the story became difficult to follow. It took me 12 hours over three nights to play, and towards the end I was amazed at how such a short game could feel so long. This is certainly a game of two worlds: one very beautiful and the other very empty, which unfortunately leaves us with a game that is all skin and no spirit. – Sarah Maria Griffin

Yes, Marianne’s world is one of duality: good and evil; The heaven and the hell; Life or Death: Few negatives weigh on Bloober Team’s noble ambition. Despite replacing scripted scares with a haunting atmosphere – something I’m afraid not all fans will be happy with – The Medium is the studio’s most successful and accessible offering to date, and a sign that Bloober continues to improve. , maturing and innovating. I can’t wait for your next terrifying adventure. – Vikki Blake

I never felt like the game really took advantage of its two-reality system. There is no great final level that tests all your knowledge and skills of the spirit world … It’s a shame, because I enjoyed the world that Bloober Team had created and many of the scenes were fantastic. I also looked for the idea of ​​playing in two different realities at the same time. But much of The medium he just didn’t connect with me. Horror games shouldn’t be boring or frustrating, but that’s how much I felt during the nine hours it took me to finish the game. Some buggy controls and performance issues didn’t help improve things either.

In a different reality, I was able to see this game as something special. And it could, like many other horror games and movies, become a cult classic. But in this area, for me, it just doesn’t mix. – Zack Zwiezen

Image via Bloober Team

The Medium isn’t even really a horror game, despite the setting and themes, and it lacks scares save for an early jump. For a studio so focused on creating psychological horror, it’s hard to see this slightly creepy action adventure as anything more than a misstep. – Leon Hurley

The medium It goes from a game ready to face the anguish of losing a loved one, or how that loss can affect others over time, to another family story about violence. You can’t help but turn the traumatic experiences you struggle with into trivial plot points to move your story forward. As much as his second half cares about doling out big reveals, none of them will stick with me as long as being able to talk to Jack one last time. –

Some of the best horror games of the last decade have offered scares without combat. After all, abandoned buildings are scarier when you can’t push back against the shadows. However, The Medium’s lack of combat highlights the challenge of letting the atmosphere and puzzles carry a horror experience. The idea of ​​exploring split realities is great, but Bloober Team needed another game hook to hang up its hat, because this horror show is a bit superficial. – Ben Reeves

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