The best Halo Extended Universe characters that Halo Infinite could include


The open-world nature of Halo Infinite makes it likely to be drawn from all corners of Halo lore, but what characters from the extended universe are worth including?

When Microsoft first commissioned a novel based on aura, seemed to be just one part of the marketing plan. By Eric Nyland The Fall of Reach released weeks before Halo: Combat Evolved, a time when auraThe eventual dominance of Xbox’s own production was unknown. Other Xbox franchises, such as Brute force and Crimson skies, has similar written links, but auraThe immense fandom created a demand for more and more books. The games side of aura You have rarely tapped into these novels for extended universe material, but 343 Industries may have the perfect opportunity to bring your canon to the expansive open world. Infinite halo.

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343 Industries has shown more than enthusiasm for doing this in the past, with Halo 5 serving as a first step towards integrating the two halves of Halo’s science. For cooperative purposes, both Master Chief and Spartan Locke fought alongside notable characters from aurapast, many of which originated in novels. Of all these characters, Master Chief’s Blue Team partners deserve the most love. Nyland’s original books framed Fred, Linda, and Kelly as main characters, but Halo 5The reintroduction didn’t actually include any of the traits that made readers love them. Infinite halo has a chance to expand these characters beyond the generic Spartans they were in Halo 5, making them distinct personalities who could possibly carry out campaign missions on their own.

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Looking further into the aura book catalog, another group of Spartans that made a big impression on fans is the Gray Team. Jai-006, Adriana-111 and Michael-120 are Spartan-II, as is Master Chief: part of a team designed to infiltrate and destroy enemy units. After several adventures, the team is still active and could serve as good contacts for the Master Chief during Infinite haloof the campaign, if they were assigned to disrupt Atriox and The Banished.

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An unusual option for new Infinite halo The characters could be an attempt to integrate Spartan-458 into the main game continuity. Also known as Nicole, this Spartan was originally designed as a non-canonical guest character for Alive or deadreleased on Xbox 360. However, since the release of that game, there have been some references to it in the official material. Currently trapped in a time bubble, perhaps a wild side quest could bring her back to aurapresent through a Forerunner artifact unheard of in InfiniteZeta Halo.

In addition to the additional Spartans, Infinite halo seems willing to delve into all kinds of aura tradition over the course of your main campaign and additional missions. 343 Industries has teased Infinite like the beginning of auraover the next 10 years, and completing that time frame will require every narrative thread the franchise can muster. Even if they are not in the main game at launch, aura Fans could reasonably expect that some of their favorite supporting characters would at least get a mention over the course of Infinite halo‘s Life expectancy.

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