Steve from Minecraft is the new character


There are few more hype-generating events than when Nintendo announces a new Smash Bros. character, and 400,000 people simply tuned in to see the next character arriving at Smash Bros. Ultimate in a very short live stream revealed this morning.

This was a big one.

No, he was not another Fire Emblem hero. Rather, this is one of the most requested additions to the game from one of the largest games in the world.

Minecraft comes to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the form of Minecraft Steve, the game’s base character, joined by cohorts of Minecraft like Alex and Enderman. This is probably one of the most amazing Smash Bros. reveals I’ve seen, and it goes without saying that the internet is eating it up. I’m a little sure the news could have broken Twitter as everyone was quick to post about it.

We saw a film trailer and a short video from Sakurai on the idea, but he said he will need to explain more about the character in detail at a later date, two days from now, on October 3 at 10:30 ET, with another show.

We did see a number of things in the trailer though, from fighting with pickaxes and swords and TNT blocks, to Creepers that seem to invade enemies. Sometimes it was difficult to know what was a real movement and what was cinematic for the show, but we will know more soon.

Sakurai talked a bit about the process of integrating Minecraft characters into Smash. While he said that some things like animation were pretty easy, the actual programming was deeply difficult. They had to rework all of their stages to suit Minecraft’s block building, a characteristic of the character, as well as deal with balance issues like the character’s incredibly short range.

We’re also getting Minecraft stages as seen in the trailer, and we may see more from October 3 as well.

For now, this was a Smash Bros. reveal that finally lived up to the hype, which only happens sporadically. This seems to be on the level of when Solid Snake or Sonic were first revealed, but perhaps this is an even bigger problem, due to the Minecraft fanbase. If they got Steven in the game after years of fan requests, who’s next? Goku?

More info in the third, so tune in again for another broadcast.

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