Risk of COVID infection increases with high pollen levels, study finds


When pollen levels in the air are higher, there is an increased risk of COVID-19 infection, a new study from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) found, published on the Science Daily site. a significant environmental factor that influences infection rates and that as airborne pollen levels increase, SARS-CoV-2 infection rates also increase.

Taking into account other factors, such as population density and blocking measures, the researchers looked at weather conditions, pollen levels, the level of variation in infection rates, and the total number of positive COVID tests. This analysis showed that pollen in the air can account for 44% of the variation in COVID infection rates on average. In some cases, humidity and air temperature also affected this variation, the study found.

High pollen concentrations lead to weaker immune responses because if pollen grains are inhaled with virus particles, fewer antiviral interferons are generated in the body and the body’s inflammatory response is affected, according to the study.

The study found that when there were no blocking measures, infection rates were 4% higher for every 100 additional pollen grains per cubic meter of air.

In some cities in Germany, pollen concentrations of up to 500 grains per cubic meter per day led to overall infection rates increasing by more than 20%.

The study was motivated by the fact that the coronavirus outbreak appeared to coincide with the tree pollen season in the Northern Hemisphere.

The researchers advised that high-risk groups monitor pollen levels and wear dust filter masks to protect themselves.

“When studying the spread of SARS-CoV-2, environmental factors such as pollen must be taken into account. Increased awareness of these effects is an important step in preventing and mitigating the impact of Covid-19,” said the study author. , Athanasios Damialis. .
