Quotes of the Day from Xinhua World News, December 22


MOGADISHU – Kenya and Somalia agreed to reestablish diplomatic relations following talks between the leaders of the two neighboring countries in Djibouti, a Somali government official said.

“Somalia agreed to reestablish diplomatic ties with Kenya, but set conditions for an inquiry committee to be assigned to investigate the situation at the border,” Mohamed Abdirizak Mohamud, Somalia’s foreign minister, told reporters in Mogadishu on Monday. night.

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PHNOM PENH – Cambodia suspended dispatching workers to neighboring Thailand on Monday after the latter reported an increase in COVID-19 infections in its Samut Sakhon province, some 300 kilometers from the border.

In a statement issued to private recruitment agencies and relevant officials, Cambodian Labor Minister Ith Samheng said: “The dispatch of seasonal and MoU-based workers to Thailand should be temporarily suspended from now on until further notice. “.

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BISHKEK – The Kyrgyz Ministry of Health on Tuesday urged the public to avoid massive New Year celebrations and crowded venues due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There are alarming reports about the spread of a new mutant coronavirus in the UK and several EU countries, which is 70 percent more infectious than the original version,” said Ainura Akmatova, head of the Department of Public Health at the Ministry of Health. Health. from Kyrgyzstan.

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WASHINGTON – China’s new development paradigm in which “domestic and foreign markets reinforce each other” is the correct position, said renowned economist and bestselling author Jeffrey Sachs.

“The government’s program is correct in speaking of a balanced approach in which ‘domestic and foreign markets are mutually reinforcing.’ This is a correct position, “Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, told Xinhua by email on Monday.

“China needs to continue its openness to the world, including important programs like the Belt and Road Initiative, while promoting national growth to improve people’s livelihoods and living conditions,” said Sachs, who He is also a senior advisor to the United Nations.

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WASHINGTON – Ezra Vogel, a professor emeritus at Harvard University and a renowned academic from China, died Sunday at the age of 90.

“My father loved China and the Chinese people. His hope was always that China would forge better relations with both Japan and the United States. In the next generations in all three countries we have a lot of work to do to make that vision a reality.” Steven Vogel, a professor of political science at the University of California at Berkeley, told Xinhua by email on Monday. Final product
