Quadrantid Meteor Shower 2021 UK: What time does the peak of the first cosmic show this year arrive? | Science | News


Shooting star enthusiasts have every chance to catch a glimpse of the Quadrantid meteor shower in the next few days. And weather permitting, stargazers have the opportunity to see up to 200 shooting stars per hour during the peak of the Quadrantids.

In fact, the Quadrantid meteor shower runs annually between December 28 and January 12.

However, the best views from the UK this year will be after sunset on Saturday January 2 and Sunday January 3.

The Quadrantids are known to produce between 50 and 200 meteors per hour on a clear night.

The US space agency NASA has even described the shooting stars as one of the best meteor showers of the year, which means it would be a shame to miss the impressive light show.

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What are quadrantids?

This current crop of meteors are chunks of cosmic rock smashing into our planet’s dense atmosphere at 40 miles per second.

These high-speed collisions result in stunning streaks of light commonly known as shooting stars.

The Quadrantids are famous in particular for their brighter-than-usual “fireball” meteorites.

These are praised by astronomers for leaving large trails of colorful light and persisting significantly longer than regular meteor streaks.

This is due to the fact that the Quadrantid fireballs actually originate from larger particles of debris.

The Royal Greenwich Observatory said: “For the best conditions, you want to find a safe place away from street lights and other sources of light pollution.”

However, knowing exactly when it will peak is often difficult to predict.

Robert Lunsford, an astronomer with the American Meteor Society, said in a statement: “That prediction is not set in stone.

“We don’t have this one pinned yet. He acts the way he wants. “

How to see the quadrantids?

Quadrantids are best seen in the northern hemisphere because their radiant point, where meteors appear to originate, is at the northern end of the dome of the sky.

However, the waning Moon will make things a bit more complicated for stargazers, as its bright light source can make it difficult to spot shooting stars.

But NASA suggests that the Quadrantids will reward the most patient of stargazers.

The space agency said: “To see the Quadrantids, look for an area away from city or street lights.

“Come prepared for winter weather with a sleeping bag, blanket or lawn chair.

“Lie on your back with your feet to the northeast and look up, gazing at as much sky as possible.

“In less than 30 minutes in the dark, your eyes will adjust and you will begin to see meteors.

“Be patient, the show will last until dawn so you have plenty of time to take a look.”

The easiest way to find the shower is to look north for Ursa Major.

This is the distinctive group of seven bright stars, long recognized as a useful navigation tool.
