Monday, Pokemon said it will provide an update on the Crown Tundra DLC on Tuesday at 6am PT. The official Pokémon Twitter account linked to a YouTube video where you can see the ad. The tweet included the Crown Tundra symbol and the Isle of Armor symbol. The Isle of Armor was the expansion pack released in June.
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Players will also get more information about the Updates to the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass. The Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass, which includes the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra, costs $ 30, unlocks new locations to explore, and adds over 200 Pokémon, with new evolutions, for trainers to catch.
Crown Tundra will have its own Pokémon and cosmetics, plus a new cooperative mode, allowing players to explore lairs in the Galar region to find even more new Pokémon.
You can see the game trailer here: