Playstation Plus: free games for November


A decade has passed since the Playstation Plus was released, and what an interesting concept it has proven to be. You pay a relatively small subscription fee and get two free games each month, which you can add to your library and play as long as you are a member. Playstation Plus memberships come in 1-month, 3-month, and 12-month increments, all of which can be easily purchased from their website.

Playstation Plus: free games for November

For the month of November, three new games are available for free to Playstation Plus users.

# 1 BugSnax

This game will be available on Playstation 5 and will be available for free for the next 2 months until January 3, 2021. So, if you plan to buy a Playstation 5 during the holiday season, you will still have plenty of time. to grab this game even then. Developed by Young Horses, an independent studio, this title is an action-adventure game. Players control a journalist, who lands on the island called Snaktooth to search for a missing scout.

Image Credits : Young Horses Image Credits : Polygon Image Credits : Team CherryPosted Oct 30, 2020, 2:21 a.m. IST
