Planet Earth Report: “Why We Have Not Found Extraterrestrial Life For The Dangerous New Strain Of Coronavirus”


Planet Earth Report -

The “Planet Earth Report” provides descriptive links to the headlines of leading science journalists on the extraordinary discoveries, technology, people and events that changed our understanding of Planet Earth and the future of the human species.

Why haven’t we found Alien Life yet? Blame it on our closed minds “Are we simply looking for life in the wrong places, in the wrong way?” Would we even recognize the signs? An astronomer says ideas can point the way to ET, Discover reports. Most of the search so far has been in the radio range, where scientists have examined a small fraction of the possible frequencies in an equally small fraction of the possible search space. Surveys at optical wavelengths have been much less extensive. For whatever new technology we develop, says Avi Loeb. From Harvard, we should consider whether, somewhere, an alien civilization might have developed it as well, possibly leaving some detectable traces. “As our technology improves, that can help us imagine things we haven’t imagined before and explore things we haven’t looked for before.”

The international space station is sick. His replacement will shape the future of space explorationSingularity Hub reports – Unsurprisingly, the ISS is starting to show its age. Earlier this month, astronauts finally fixed an air leak that had been going on for over a year, and this is just one of a litany of maintenance problems the station has faced recently.

Strange ‘gravitational molecules’ could orbit black holes like electrons spinning around atoms, reports Live Science. A team of researchers has shown that a special type of particle can exist around a pair of black holes in a similar way to how an electron can exist around a pair of hydrogen atoms, the first example of a “gravitational molecule”. This strange object can give us clues about the identity of dark matter and the ultimate nature of space-time.

Scientists Believe A Bright Ice Moon May Aid In Search For Extraterrestrial Life – “The nighttime ice glow that occurs in Europa can be very unique and unlike any other phenomenon in our Solar System,” according to a new study, Motherboard Science reports. A team of planetary scientists has discovered that this tantalizing world can also glow in the dark, a feature that “could allow more accurate surface characterization and provide unique night views” for future space probes, according to a paper published Monday in Nature. . Astronomy. This would allow Europa missions to learn even more about conditions on the mysterious moon, even if it could (or has) harbor extraterrestrial life.

“Someone is watching us” –Three hundred million Earth-like worlds in the Milky Way. “One in every 200 stars has habitable planets similar to Earth surrounding it; in the galaxy, 500 million stars have planets similar to Earth revolving around them; that’s huge, five hundred million. So when we look at the night sky, it makes sense that someone is looking back at us, ”says physicist Michio Kaku, author of The future of humanity.

Pfizer covid-19 vaccine: is it the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for? –Pfizer and its partner BioNTech say their coronavirus vaccine is 90 percent effective in phase III trials. How excited should we be with the news and what questions are left unanswered? asks New Scientist.

The Covid pandemic is worse than the 2008 crisis for most Americans, says study, reports CNBC

Is a dangerous new strain of coronavirus circulating in farm mink? asks New Scientist. The Danish government ordered the slaughter of all farmed minks in the country following the discovery of a mutant form of coronavirus in animals. It has already spread to humans.

The intriguing maps that reveal alternative stories, reports BBC Future – What if the big elections, wars and events had turned out differently? Samuel Arbesman explores the details and delights of maps that map out alternate worlds to our own.

Record number of great whites tagged in Southern California –Researchers working in Southern California tagged 38 sharks this year, more than triple last year’s total, reports The Smithsonian.

The batteries of the future are weightless and invisible, reports Wired –There is a renaissance in structural battery research, which aims to incorporate energy storage into the very devices and vehicles they power. “Unlike a conventional battery pack built into the chassis, these structural batteries are invisible. Electrical storage occurs in the thin layers of composite materials that make up the car’s chassis. In a sense, they don’t weigh because the car is the battery. “

How the Associated Press became part of the Nazi propaganda machine – New research suggests a deal that changed access to control, reports The Smithsonian.

Could listening to the deep sea help save it? “In the abyss, everyone can hear you scream,” The New York Times reports.

Old dogs, new research, and the secrets of aging –-The ways dogs grow and age can provide potentially helpful similarities to people, The New York Times reports. Poets from Homer to Pablo Neruda have taken notice. Like popular singers and storytellers. Now science is taking a turn, in the hope that research on how dogs grow and age will help us understand how humans age. And, like the poets before them, scientists are finding parallels between the two species.

The future of Xenobot is coming – start planning now –We are on the cusp of being able to program biological systems as we program computers. That raises some thorny questions, reports Wired.

In a warming world, Cape Town’s ‘Zero Day’ drought will not be an anomaly, reports Stanford University.

Brain scientists explore the how of when:-A new study offers the strongest evidence yet for “time cells” in the brain, reports The New York Times. “The first thing to say is that, strictly speaking, there are no ‘time cells’ in the brain,” said Gyorgy Buzsaki, a neuroscientist at New York University who was not involved in the new research. “There is no neural clock. What happens in the brain is that neurons change in response to other neurons. “

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