Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle is a 64 player battle royale game that is “first on Stadia” •


And there is a demo available now.

As if a retro-inspired 64-player Battle Royale adaptation wasn’t enough to get Stadia users to get along, a second is coming to the streaming service soon in the form of Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle, and a demo is available now. .

Developed by Bandai Namco and Heavy Iron Studios, Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle is a 64-player battle royale experience in which open-mouthed contestants attempt to be the last Pac-Man standing in 64 vibrantly-themed interconnected mazes.

“Invade other players’ mazes, eat their points and power-ups – even other players! – and master the mazes,” this is how Google introduces the new multiplayer adaptation in its ad post, “But beware: viewers can vote for power-ups that can cause you, or your opponents, to stumble on the field and be eliminated from battle. “

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Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle will feature two distinct game modes, new power-ups, plus several cosmetic options for those who are eager to customize their Pac-People, and at least some of those things are visible in the banded announcement trailer. pretty catchy sonic from above. .

Mega Tunnel Battle is one of those ‘firsts on Stadia’ offerings, and will join the service on November 17, costing $ 19.99 USD (about £ 15). However, those who want to try before they buy are in luck thanks to a new demo for a limited time, available from today until October 27.

The demo is part of a three-day Stadia event where two more demos will be made available to players for a limited time. Starting tomorrow, October 21, Stadia users can get a taste of Amplitude Studios’ intriguing landmark 4X effort Humankind, and there’s a demo of Immortals Fenyx Rising on the streaming service on Thursday, October 22.
