Nintendo is apparently arguing that Joy-Con Drift “is not a real problem”


If you’re one of the many, many people who own a Nintendo Switch, then you may be more than familiar with Joy-Con drift. Although the name sounds pretty cute, it is commonly talked about as one of the main annoyances and inconveniences of owning or using the Nintendo console.

If you’re not familiar, it relies on Joy-Cons (the controllers) that put phantom inputs. So even though you may not be playing a pad or the controller, the console thinks you are using one of the two sticks. The result is that your Switch moves your avatar to death at times, scrolls infinitely through menus, and is generally a bit annoying.

If the drift is light it may not feel like a massive problem, however when you try to play something more precise or you just like to be in full control of your character, Joy-Con drift can cause some games to fail can play.

This new comment that drift is not a “real problem” stems from a lawsuit that has been ongoing. The US law firm Chimicles Schwartz Kriner and Donaldson-Smith is addressing consumer complaints and helping them argue that the drift should be repaired by Nintendo for free or that Nintendo should replace broken Joy-Cons at no additional charge.

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The lawsuit has arisen once again because CSK & D is asking for videos of those who have experienced drift to further exemplify the problem. Showing Nintendo that the issue affects a lot of Switch players will likely give the company something to think about.

CSK & D’s letter has been shared on Reddit and the first paragraph ends by saying that sharing evidence of deviance “will be helpful to us in responding to Nintendo’s arguments about how this is not a real problem or has not caused any inconvenience to anyone.” . This letter hints that Nintendo is seriously telling CSK & D that Joy-Con drift is not their problem, which some players will definitely disagree with.

The remainder of the letter requests that short videos be sent to the company’s email address, where customers talk about their experience with the Joy-Con Drift with descriptions of how it has affected them and their vision for Nintendo. It will be necessary to see if this helps in something to the case.
