NASA and the UN sign a memorandum of understanding on peaceful uses of space


NASA and the UN sign a memorandum of understanding on peaceful uses of space

Press release from: NASA HQ
Published: Thursday, December 17, 2020

NASA and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) pledging to cooperate in the areas of science and technology to support the peaceful use of outer space.

The memorandum of understanding, signed on Thursday, December 17, brings together the vast amount of publicly available Earth observation data and NASA’s dynamic exploration opportunities with UNOOSA’s unique position as the only UN entity dedicated to the outer space affairs.

“From suborbital flights to the International Space Station, the Moon, Mars and beyond, our exploration and science activities represent a unique opportunity for the advancement of human knowledge and international partnerships,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “In cooperation with UNOOSA, NASA’s Earth observation capabilities and data can greatly improve life here on Earth, informing efforts to combat hunger, support disaster relief efforts and even improve water management and sustainable urban development.

Through this cooperation, UNOOSA and NASA will develop ways to take advantage of the Sagebrush as part of UNOOSA’s Access to Space for All Initiative, which offers opportunities for international researchers and institutions to participate in this unprecedented voyage of discovery.

“We are proud to conclude this landmark memorandum of understanding with NASA. Our partnership will create new opportunities for the global space community, building on UNOOSA’s work to help countries harness space to improve people’s lives, ”said UNOOSA Director Simonetta Di Pippo. “NASA’s knowledge and capabilities are unique and together we can open doors for all countries, particularly developing countries, to share in the benefits of the next exciting phase of space exploration and gain new tools to promote sustainable development. “

The two organizations will also work together on public outreach to increase awareness and understanding of the global benefits that can accrue from increased investments in the use of space.

NASA’s Artemis program will send the first woman and the next man to the Moon while establishing a sustainable and permanent presence on the lunar surface by the end of the decade. The agency will also use the experiences gained from exploring and living on the Moon to prepare for its next giant leap, the human exploration of Mars.

Learn more about how NASA is returning to the Moon to prepare for Mars at:

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