NASA and the Department of Energy extend more than 50 years of collaboration


NASA and the Department of Energy extend more than 50 years of collaboration

Press release from: NASA HQ
Published: Tuesday, October 20, 2020

NASA’s long-standing partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE) has enabled remarkable space exploration, from revealing more about the Moon to propelling the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft into interstellar space. NASA and the DOE are extending their more than 50 years of collaboration with a new memorandum of understanding announced Tuesday by NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and US Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette.

The agreement, discussed during the meeting of the Advisory Board of the Secretary of Energy on October 20, rightly supports Space Policy Directive-1 and other national space policies of the United States. Under the board and NASA Sagebrush program, the United States will take the first woman and next man to the Moon in 2024 and establish sustainable lunar exploration by the end of the decade to prepare for the first human mission to Mars.

“Artemis relies on a coalition of partners in the US government, industry, and the world,” Bridenstine said. “DOE’s expertise in energy, science and technology remains crucial to the success of NASA missions. Together, we will mature and prepare systems to explore more of the Moon and take humans further into space, all to the benefit of humanity on Earth. “

Working together, NASA and DOE continue to drive exciting scientific discoveries with missions like the one to Mars. Perseverance rover and sustainable exploration with future propulsion and energy systems that will allow travel and extended stays on the Moon and Mars.

“From gaining a better understanding of the Moon to providing the nuclear fuels to power Voyager 1 and 2 into space, DOE and NASA have been strong partners in our nation’s space mission for decades,” said Secretary Brouillette. “This new MOU will continue our esteemed joint work as this Administration strives to reach the next generation of space exploration and innovation.”

The memorandum of understanding highlights potential areas of collaboration, including scientific observations of the early universe from the Moon; Gatewayactivities; high performance computing, modeling and simulation; planetary defense of near-earth objects; development of sensors and satellites; space propulsion and nuclear power; awareness of the spatial situation; space weather; Technology transfer; and more. Future joint activities will continue to advance US civil space exploration, scientific discovery, and national space policy.

NASA and the DOE also established three task forces that focus on lunar surface infrastructure, space nuclear power and propulsion, and science and innovation, including space safety and planetary defense.

Learn more about how NASA returns to the Moon to prepare for Mars:

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