Media Telecon Materials – March 5, 2021 – NASA Mars Exploration Program


Members of the mission team are participating in a virtual teleconference to discuss the milestones achieved so far since the February 18 landing and those to come.

Since NASA’s Perseverance Mars 2020 rover landed in Jezero Crater on February 18, mission controllers have made substantial progress as they prepare the rover for the unpaved road ahead. Members of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory mission team in Southern California will discuss the “first” missions accomplished so far and those to come in a media conference call at 3:30 pm EST (12: 30 p.m. PST) on Friday, March 5.

The teleconference audio and accompanying images will be streamed live on NASA’s JPL YouTube channel.

Discussing the progress of the rover will be:

  • Robert Hogg, Deputy Director of Mission for Perseverance, JPL
  • Anais Zarifian, Perseverance Mobility Testbed Engineer, JPL
  • Katie Stack Morgan, Perseverance Project Associate Scientist, JPL

Members of the media and the public can ask questions on social media during the conference call using #CountdownToMars.

Robert hogg


Perseverance roams Mars

Perseverance roams Mars: This image was taken during NASA’s Perseverance rover’s maiden voyage to Mars on March 4, 2021. Perseverance landed on February 18, 2021, and the team has spent the weeks since landing reviewing the rover to prepare for operations. Of surface. This image was taken by the rover’s navigation cameras. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech. Full image and title ›



Flexing the robotic arm of perseverance

Flexing the robotic arm of perseverance: This set of images shows parts of the robotic arm of NASA’s Perseverance rover flexing and rotating during its first review after landing on Mars. These images were taken by the Perseverance navigation cameras on March 3, 2021. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech. Full image and title ›


Anais Zarifian



Perseverance turns a wheel

Perseverance turns a wheel: NASA’s Perseverance rover turns one of its wheels in this set of images obtained by the rover’s left navigation camera on March 4, 2021. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech. Full image and title ›



Perseverance Hazcam First Drive

Perseverance Hazcam First trip: This image was captured while NASA’s Perseverance rover was driving on Mars for the first time on March 4, 2021. One of Perseverance’s hazard avoidance cameras (Hazcams) captured this image as the rover was completing a short voyage and turning from their landing site in the Jezero crater. Full image and title ›

Katie Stack Morgan


Welcome to Octavia E. Butler Landing

Welcome to Octavia E. Butler Landing: NASA has named the landing site of the agency’s Perseverance rover in honor of science fiction author Octavia E. Butler, as seen in this camera image from the High-Resolution Imaging Experiment aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The NASA. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona. Full image and title ›


Portrait of Octavia E. Butler

A photograph of the author Octavia E. Butler, provided by Writers House Literary Agency. Courtesy of Ching-Ming Cheung. Download image >


A goal for the Perseverance SuperCam

A goal for the Perseverance SuperCam: Taken on February 22, 2021, this image from the Mastcam-Z instrument on NASA’s Perseverance rover shows a target to be analyzed by the rover’s SuperCam instrument. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / ASU / MSSS Full Image and Title ›


Perseverance View of the Delta in Jezero Crater

Perseverance View of the Delta in Jezero Crater: From its landing site, “Octavia E. Butler Landing,” NASA’s Perseverance rover can see a remnant of a fan-shaped deposit of sediment known as a delta (the raised area of ​​dark brown rock in the middle) with its Mastcam-Z instrument. Full image and title ›


The way ahead for perseverance

The road ahead for perseverance: This image shows two possible routes (blue and purple) to the fan-shaped sediment deposit known as the delta for NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars. The yellow line marks a theoretical route that explores the Jezero delta. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona. Full image and title ›