In a televised speech on Saturday, Adib said he was withdrawing from “the task of forming the government” following a meeting with President Michel Aoun, Reuters reported.
Adib, a former ambassador to Berlin, was elected on August 31 to form a cabinet after the last government led by Hassan Diab resigned after the Beirut port explosion on August 4 that killed some 200 people and left thousands behind. homeless.
Adib’s resignation came days after Aoun told reporters that Lebanon would go to “hell” if a new government was not formed soon.
Public anger in Lebanon has escalated since the Beirut explosion, blamed on the government’s apathy and inaction, sparking protests in the streets demanding urgent political and economic reforms.
Crushed by a mounting debt crisis, the country’s banks are paralyzed and its currency is in free fall, leading to hyperinflation, rising poverty and unemployment.
Talks with the International Monetary Fund on a vital rescue package stalled this year after the country defaulted on its debt.