Japan Advanced Technology Hayabusa2 Project Test: Kato


Politics Science Society Technology

Tokyo, Dec. 7 (Jiji Press) – Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato on Monday applauded the return to Earth of a capsule that detached from Japan’s Hayabusa2 unmanned probe, saying it demonstrated both national and international level the world’s leading technologies in the country in the field.

The return Sunday of the capsule, which is believed to contain sand samples from the asteroid Ryugu, is expected to lead to surprising discoveries that may help solve the mystery of the origin of life, said the government’s top spokesman at a conference of press.

Regarding Japan’s space-related policies, Kato said they are important in several ways, not only in terms of creating knowledge through space exploration, but also in ensuring national security, implementing disaster prevention measures. , improve national resilience and contribute to efforts to solve global challenges. and promote economic growth and space-driven innovations.


[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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