How much did it cost Ariela to have her baby in Ethiopia?


All in 90 days: Fans of The Other Way wonder how much it cost Ariela Weinberg to give birth to her and Biniyam Shibre’s son Avi in ​​Ethiopia.

Ariela Weinberg recently gave birth to her baby in 90 day boyfriend: the other way. Now, TLC fans are curious how much the delivery actually cost in the baby’s father, Biniyam Shibre, Ethiopia’s home country.

The couple just welcomed their first child together on the show and fans were happy that the delivery went smoothly. Despite the initial appearance that Ariela was having a panic attack, the new mother successfully overcame her C-section. While neither Ariela nor Biniyam were enthusiastic about the C-section, the surgery was necessary due to unforeseen complications. While the couple preferred a natural delivery, the cesarean section produced a happy and healthy baby.

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After watching the birthing episode, many fans wondered how much the hospital and childbirth actually cost the couple. Giving birth in America can cost thousands of dollars once hospital fees are added, so TLC fans wondered if the birth in Ethiopia was significantly less expensive compared to what Ariela could have paid in the States. United. According to PubMed, The average cost to have a baby in Ethiopia by natural means is $ 7.70 USD. A mother like Ariela, who takes the route of a caesarean section, will pay around $ 51.80 USD. The figures are drastically different from the US, where the average cost to have a baby is around $ 30,000.

Ariela and Biniyam 90 day fiancé

Although Ethiopia is a third world country, medical services appear to be up to standards and at the same time cost parents much less than a birth in the US If a woman decides to give birth in Ethiopia You will not have all the luxuries of a first world hospital. Most women must share a delivery and recovery room. They are also told to walk a bit during labor. In the last ten years, the country has made great strides in maternal care, including more facilities and ambulances that can provide transportation to hospitals. Although 80% of the population lives in rural areas and many women choose to give birth at home, hospitals are trying to facilitate the care of pregnant women.

Ariela’s mother, who was a nurse, was given a tour of the hospital where her daughter was going to give birth and discovered that the facility had the same medicine as her home hospital. Some of the equipment may look a bit worn, but she felt comfortable giving her daughter the blessing to stay and give birth. With decent services and such a low cost, it seems that Ariela may have made the right choice when giving birth in Ethiopia.

Next: 90 Day Fiancé: Meet Ariela and Biniyam’s Bouncing Baby Aviel

90 day boyfriend: the other way airs Sunday at 8 pm ET on TLC.

Source: PubMed

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