A recent update from the Halo Infinite development team revealed a major change. A new system was introduced that will fundamentally alter the way players use customization.
A post about the Halo Waypoint Blog details the new system for character, weapon and vehicle skins, called “skins.” In the coating system, a seven-layer shader will give players access to a set of artist-created colors, materials, or patterns that can then be applied to armor, weapons, and vehicles. The coloring will now be tied to these coatings, replacing the previous sets’ options for primary and secondary colors. The announcement also introduced the Red Shift armor skin, which will be available to GameStop customers who purchase any Halo or Xbox merchandise.
The system will be similar to the shaders used in the Destiny series, where they can be used to alter the color and texture of equipped armor.
The Waypoint publication acknowledged the dissatisfaction that this change could generate among players. “While we understand that many players like the old color system,” the post reads, “we are very excited about the breadth and scope of the armor, weapon and vehicle customization options that will be available in Halo Infinite due to the coating system. “
This attempt to nip the controversy in the bud did little to stop a wave of frustration that followed the Halo community. A thread on Reddit’s Halo community, who called the change “absolutely unacceptable,” quickly shot to over 11,000 upvotes and over 17,000 comments as of this writing.
Some fans have even hinted that they would be willing to boycott to pressure the developers to reinstate the old system, with a Reddit post instructing fans not to purchase Infinite if the skins are still in-game at launch.
Players were first introduced to the Monarch armor skin on October 8. Halo Infinite is scheduled for release in 2021 after a delay due to the COVID pandemic.
The Halo Infinite launch could involve a staggered launch for campaign and multiplayer. Find out more here.