Google BeyondCorp remote access launched


So this post is more like a public service announcement for GCP’s broader team of security products. But I will add color to it, so it will be more fun. Furthermore, this technology that we are launching is really very useful for many organizations today.

According to history, Google has used the BeyondCorp model (which follows the principles of zero trust) internally. Over the years, we have also made some components available (such as IAP and CAA) so that a security team, with enough time and knowledge (and frankly, some luck too), can put together a set of access tools Decent zero confidence for your own use. Some organizations have done exactly that and were successful in using the resulting system to allow access to their own applications. We also create our own products (like the GCP platform and G Suite) to make native use of zero-trust style components like Endpoint Verification.

But what was missing from all this? I’m glad you asked 🙂 A real product that people can buy and use! And this week we launch exactly that: please welcome BeyondCorp Remote Access.

Now, I must tell you that it will not “become Google” overnight, even with this product. Google’s own “butter-smooth”, secure and easy-to-use system took time to evolve. However, you can take a big step in that direction! Furthermore, by using our product, you can be assured that the infrastructure used for your remote access is, to be honest, the best on the planet and will work under load. For example, the use of Google Meet has increased approximately 20 times in the last weeks without any problem. It just works!

With this release, our goal is to help customers solve a specific problem, that of giving remote workers secure access to a specific internal application without much hassle. Therefore, you can get easy and secure remote access to some resources (in the cloud or on premises) using the proven system that works well.

So, go here for details like use cases, if you’re curious. For the launch blog post, go here.

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The Google BeyondCorp Remote Access originally launched was posted on Anton in Security on Medium, where people continue the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

*** This is a syndicated blog from the Security Bloggers Network of Stories by Anton Chuvakin in Medium written by Anton Chuvakin. Read the original post at:——2
