General Bacha Debele reveals what happened to the Northern Command


General Bacha Debele shares the findings of the fact-finding mission to northern Ethiopia, where the Ethiopian Defense Force is fighting the TPLF forces.

General Bacha Debele _ Ethiopia
General Bahca Debele (Photo: EBC video screenshot)

November 10, 2020

The federal government under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the leadership of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have been exchanging accusations over the outbreak of war in northern Ethiopia, which the government describes rather as “an operation to do comply with the rule of law and order in the region. “

TPLF leaders who withdrew to Mekelle, the regional state seat of Tigray, after losing dominance over the federal government following Abiy Ahmed’s takeover in 2018 accused what they call “Abiy Ahmed’s unitary group.” , due to the confrontation in the north, which is now transforming into a full-blown war involving both land and air operations. The TPLF also claimed that the Northern Command has defected and resolved to fight the federal government together with the forces of the regional state of Tigray.

The federal government narrative has been saying that an insidious and brutal attack on the Northern Command post from the command post itself triggered the conflict. Ethiopians across the country, Ethiopian regional states, and opposition parties have been condemning the TPLF attack on the Ethiopian Defense Forces, which means that story about the TPLF’s attempt to take control of the post Northern command launching an attack from within the army command convinced most of the Ethiopians. The outrage on social media platforms is another testimony.

General Bacha Debele, who was retiring early, apparently for political reasons during the time when the TPLF dominated the federal government, was recently called up by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed along with two other generals (General Abebaw Tadesse and General Yohannes Gebremeskel) who were also Retirement.

General Bacha was sent on a mission, together with General Abebaw Tadesse, to the northern front to investigate what happened on the northern front.

He returned to the capital Addis Ababa and had a press release to share the findings of his fact-finding mission with the public.

He said that the TPLF used some members of the northern command speaking in Tigrigna to plan the operation, cut off communication with the higher defense command and attack the army.

Listen to your presser foot (in Amharic).

Video: Embedded from Ethiopian Broadcasting YouTube channel
Cover photo: video screenshot

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