‘Fortnite’ Xbox Master Chief Skin Leaks, joining Kratos in the latest wild crossover


Well, if DC and Marvel can coexist with dozens of skins in Fortnite, why not Xbox and PlayStation?

After teasing a Kratos skin coming to Fortnite in the coming weeks, and PlayStation pretty much confirmed it, this morning a rival Xbox Master Chief skin was allegedly leaked.

Image quality is poor at this point, and although this originated from 4chan, it’s from a source who apparently knows someone at Epic, and they revealed the involvement of Salty Towers and The Mandalorian before they arrived this season.

Beyond that I have seen other leakers confirm that there is an upcoming Halo collaboration that includes a red vs. blue LTM in the future.

Besides the Master Chief above, there are two other cosmetics, a Transverse Mongoose and a Pelican Glider:

I’d like to take credit for correctly predicting this collaboration with Xbox when I found out yesterday about Sony’s Kratos skin, although my guess was Master Chief or Marcus Fenix, the Gears character created by Epic Games.

What’s going on here? And is Nintendo next?

Well, at this point it seems like Fortnite has established itself as a “neutral ground” for IPs, a place that has no loyalty to a specific company or brand, but wants to be a melting pot of characters. They made a great deal with Disney, but also with DC, Gearbox, Netflix, Lionsgate, and more. The previously unthinkable, Kratos and Master Chief in the same game, no longer seems impossible when earlier this week you could play a live event where Iron Man hands Batman a jetpack before they head off to fight Galactus together. .

I think Nintendo may be the third party involved here, offering the most obvious look they could for this “hunter” themed season, Samus Aran. Fortnite and Switch have been best friends for a long time, and Nintendo has been more open about their IPs lately, and it seems like a collaboration like this, one that would never have happened a decade ago, may now be on the cards.

My other guess is that in the spirit of togetherness, no, these skins won’t be exclusive to their respective consoles, but that’s yet to be confirmed and there’s no timetable for their arrival. Geoff Keighley has been teasing a big Fortnite-related announcement during the Game Awards a week from now, which could be the release of Kratos, the confirmation of Master Chief, or the reveal of Nintendo’s involvement, as far as I know.

And who knows, maybe we’ll also get a surprising third-party entry like V from Cyberpunk as that game is released, and the term “hunter” used in this season of Fortnite essentially means “any character that has killed a lot of people. / aliens / monsters “. Which is like 90% of the leads from most games. I also wouldn’t rule out more than one entry per brand as I can easily see Aloy from Horizon joining Kratos or again, Marcus Fenix ​​joining Master Chief. But we’ll see. Even with Kratos and MC alone, this is already a crossover for all ages.

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