Ethiopia: improving local capacity to use biotechnology


Over the past three decades, biotechnology has played a crucial role in improving agricultural productivity and today many countries are aware of this innovation, said Dr. Kasahun Tesfaye, director of the Ethiopian Institute of Biotechnology.

In his opinion, the use of technology, both traditional and modern, has contributed a lot to the development of the sector.

It includes the experimentation of transgenic crops that created a tremendous impact on increasing productivity, as well as resistance to diseases and droughts since 1996 GC.

In Ethiopia, the offer of biotechnology courses in higher education institutions began in the 1980s. With the support of the Swedish government which is the AIDS project, the agricultural biotechnology laboratory is opened in the faculty of science of the AAU .

Since then, the technology has been used on several levels. However, in most cases, conventional biotechnology is applied.

Traditional biotechnology in food and beverage preparation has been used since time immemorial.

Using genetic markers, conventional biotechnology has helped develop tissue culture experiments since the 1970s. Recently, capacity-building work to use transgenic organisms has been carried out.

In Ethiopia, currently four institutions have developed genetic sequencing capacity. Five years ago such activity was unthinkable locally. The samples were sent abroad. Now, thanks to local professionals, the work is done here.

The use of technology depends and varies according to the length of time. It also requires a laboratory and an enabling environment. In fact, there are some bottlenecks when buying equipment abroad.

Currently, up to 13 graduate student universities with BSC in biotechnology and around 8 graduate student universities with master’s degrees and 4 universities teach Ph.D. students. This year, the AAU’s first batch of biotech students had graduated with a Ph.D. Compared to the past, the number of biotechnology graduates in public administration is currently increasing.

Previously, the Ministry of Agriculture and AAU were the only institutions that had laboratories used for both teaching and research, but now more universities offer master’s programs in biotechnology, having organized their own laboratory with dual purpose, teaching and research.

Several private companies also participate in tissue culture experiments.

It can be said that the Tissue Culture Center of the University of Mekele is the regional center in this regard and annually breeds 40 million seedlings.

The recently opened Dessie Tissue Culture Center also raises 25,000 seedlings a year. The Bahir Dar and Adami Tullu centers also have immense capacity in this regard. Laboratory facilities also increase from time to time.

Although the development in the use of technology shows an upward trajectory, institutions are not sufficient to cope with the increasing use of technology. It is not static, it is changing. Therefore, capacity development work must continue.

The Ethiopian Institute of Biotechnology is exemplary in this regard.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, with the cooperation of the Ethiopian Public Health Institution, it adjusted its laboratory equipment to be ready to examine the virus. He showed his coping mechanism with the flexible nature of technology.

The director of the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute, Dr. Tadesse Daba, for his part, said that although the technology is widely applied in agriculture and industry, his institution focuses on agriculture. Internationally, technology is used more for agricultural research and problem solving in the sector.

Helps increase productivity, improve crop quality, and overcome challenges posed by herbs and pests.

As for Tadesse, EARI participates in various activities. The first is plant biotechnology, which focuses on tissue culture in which similar species reproduce rapidly and are conserved for a long time in the laboratory.

The other activity is working on genetics and molecular. Here through various centers the study of characters and the development of works will be carried out. The third program is working on genetic engineering. In addition to these, the gene change will be carried out naturally or artificially.

With regard to the animal gene, reproduction is being improved. For example, increasing the heat period of animals in large numbers and ensuring the birth of more springs are among the tasks. In addition, accelerated playback is carried out.

Along with this, the production of vaccines useful for producing antibodies is done effectively.

With regard to microbiotechnology, it is possible to prepare useful enzymes and amino acids to produce food and forages with a metabolic system.

Research is also being carried out on biofertilizers and the production of biological pests that replace chemical fertilizers. The shift from agricultural bioproducts into crucial inputs is also underway. Microbes also serve to clean the environment.